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St Patrick's Primary School, Ardboe, Dungannon

Plop - the little Barn Owl🦉

7th Dec 2021

“Plop was a baby Barn Owl, and he lived with his Mummy and Daddy at the top of a very tall tree in a field.

Plop was fat and fluffy.

He had a beautiful heart-shaped ruff.

He had enormous round eyes.

He had very knackety knees.

In fact, he was exactly the same as every baby Barn Owl that has ever been - except for one thing.

Plop was afraid of the dark…..”

So begins the wonderful book by Jill Tomlinson - The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark. 🦉

P4 have really enjoyed listening to and reading this book and created all these fabulous models of Plop! Well done to our very creative P4 boys and girls.😀👏🌟🦉