The Whooper Swans
7th Jan 2022
During the month of January the children in Primary Three will be finding out all about the Whooper Swans 🦢 on Lough Neagh.
Whooper SwanFact File
What do they prey on?
Leaves, roots, seeds, grains, wood, bark, fish, insects, aquatic plants
What do they eat?
Average litter size?
4-7 eggs
How much do they weigh?
17 - 24 lb (8-11 kg)
How long are they?
55 - 62 in (1.4- 1.6 m)
How tall are they?
47 - 55 in (1.2-1.4 m)
What do they look like?
White feathers, yellow and black beaks
Skin Type
What are their main threats?
Foxes, Turtles, Golden Eagles
Where you'll find them
Marshes, Ponds, Lakes, Polar Regions, Freshwater, Taiga
St Patrick's Primary School, 75 Mullanahoe Rd, Ardboe, Dungannon BT71 5AU Phone: 028 8673 7261